【重要なお知らせ/Important Notice】

eAPRIN prev. version (old system) had been shutdown at the end of August, 2019.
If you need to re-issue your course completion report of old system, please refer to the following information.

1)APRIN eラーニングプログラム (eAPRIN)(https://edu.aprin.or.jp/)のアカウントをお持ちの場合:
If you have your account on eAPRIN(https://edu.aprin.or.jp/)or had been registered by JST during FY2012 to FY2018, you can re-issue your course completion report of old system on eAPRIN. Please refer to the user’s manual (p.20-21).

At the first login, the profile edit screen will be displayed. Please refer to the user’s manual (p.5-7) for details.

*The account on “Japan Science and Technology Agency(apply)” was a temporary one for the limited purpose. You cannot log-in to the account nor re-issue your course completion report. If you lost your report and need to apply to the JST adopted project, please ask APRIN administrative office.

3)APRIN eラーニングプログラム (eAPRIN)(https://edu.aprin.or.jp/)のアカウントをお持ちではない場合:
If you don’t have your account on eAPRIN, your institutional administrator can re-issue your course completion report of old system. Please contact your institutional administrator. If you don’t know the contact information, please ask APRIN administrative office.

APRIN事務局 お問い合わせ先:
E-mail:support [at]aprin.or.jp ※[at]は@に変換してください

Association for the Promotion of Research Integrity (APRIN)
Email ([at] = @): support [at] aprin.or.jp