【重要なお知らせ/Important Notice】
eAPRIN prev. version (old system) had been shutdown at the end of August, 2019.
If you need to re-issue your course completion report of old system, please refer to the following information.
1)APRIN eラーニングプログラム (eAPRIN)(https://edu.aprin.or.jp/)のアカウントをお持ちの場合:
If you have your account on eAPRIN(https://edu.aprin.or.jp/)or had been registered by JST during FY2012 to FY2018, you can re-issue your course completion report of old system on eAPRIN. Please refer to the user’s manual (p.20-21).
At the first login, the profile edit screen will be displayed. Please refer to the user’s manual (p.5-7) for details.
*The account on “Japan Science and Technology Agency(apply)” was a temporary one for the limited purpose. You cannot log-in to the account nor re-issue your course completion report. If you lost your report and need to apply to the JST adopted project, please ask APRIN administrative office.
3)APRIN eラーニングプログラム (eAPRIN)(https://edu.aprin.or.jp/)のアカウントをお持ちではない場合:
If you don’t have your account on eAPRIN, your institutional administrator can re-issue your course completion report of old system. Please contact your institutional administrator. If you don’t know the contact information, please ask APRIN administrative office.
Association for the Promotion of Research Integrity (APRIN)
Email ([at] = @): support [at] aprin.or.jp